When a dear one dies, the world seems to collapse and a pet loss can be as devastating as the loss of a human being.
When you lose a pet, you can feel like losing a part of yourself.
In this article I'll tell you the story of Argo and me, and how such a remarkable project called Flowerpup was born from it.
Pet loss and bereavement
I’d never thought I would feel this way, but it happened.
I found myself breaking down in tears in the corner of my living room on a Saturday morning.
Argo, my 'partner in crime', the dog who was with me throughout my childhood, was no longer with us. He was gone.
I felt like a punch in my stomach... I've never felt like this before and I had no idea what to do.
I wanted to burst into tears, but I didnt want anyone to see me, I had to keep it all inside.
I felt empty, no will to move forward.
If you've ever been through the same thing, maybe you can understand what I'm talking about.
I buried Argo in a field at about 30 meters from my house, so I could go and say 'hi' to him whenever I wanted.
I felt lonely... Argo was my shadow, my best friend, and wasn't there anymore.
How I started drawing pet portraits on canvas
In those days, the only way I had to release my pain was through drawing.
Since I was a child, I had a big talent for drawing.
But one day, what I'm about to tell you changed my life forever.
One day, caught up in my sadness, I went to the field where Argo rested in peace, and I was totally shocked by what I saw.
A big, colourful Sunflower sprouted in the same exact spot where Argo laid, right in the middle.
Watching that beautiful flower, I felt immediately surrounded by magic and peacefulness, as if Argo wanted to send me a message, that he was good and I shouldn't worry about him anymore.
That same evening, I stared at a picture of Argo and started drawing a portrait of him in white canvas, but not just a simple portrait..a picture of him surrounder by beautiful flowers.
Flower art drawing: having always your best friend by your side
Today, every time I see the portrait of Argo, I feel him right next to me.
He's giving me a new life and a never ending happiness.
Because of him, that day I started creating personalized canvas for all those people affected by the loss of their pets.
I want to give a smile to anyone who suffers for a pet loss. It makes me feel better and I am sure that my art helps people to live a better life.
I think that having your pet’s portrait always with you or in your home, could help you remember all the happy moments with him, forgetting about loneliness and melancony.
If you feel sad because you've lost your best friend, I suggest you to go where you buried him..I'm sure you'll find a beautiful flower.
I’ll draw it for you on a canvas. I'll draw your beautiful pet, surrounded by beautiful flowers.
All you have to do is to send me a picture of your pet, and I’ll do all the rest.
This is a very beautiful story about your life with Argo. So many of us understand that losing a pet is losing a family member. Whether you’ve loved them for 15 years, 15 months, or 15 weeks, when you lose one, the grief can be overwhelming, sometimes for years after their passing. I’m so sorry for your loss and so happy that you found a way to deal with your grief.
What a beautiful story about yourself and Argo. This is exactly how I’m feeling right now after losing my soulmate Rosie 2 weeks ago to the day. I’m truly heartbroken, but I have picture of her done by you and it brings peace. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Beautiful, touching story💔 I lost my Dolce after 14 years in March. The void is incredible, tears were endless. I volunteer at the local animal shelter…there I adopted my Lucia in March then along came Lena adopted in June. Our home and hearts are filled with love for our two new daughters. Today your creation of them is due to arrive…I am beyond anxious.
You truly have a gift…and one that Argo has inspired you to share with us is so beautiful. Thank you for the precious memory of Tinker & Bella…I can’t wait to see them!
Beautiful story!! I can relate to this.
Thank you for sharing!! Beautiful soul and talented artist !!